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The Client agrees to the following service terms and conditions:

SERVICE. 123 Reseller provides a dedicated web server that is integrated into the Internet. The use of any data or material, which Client receives from the service provided by 123 Reseller, is at Clients sole and absolute risk.

USE OF SERVICE. The use of this service herein has a limitation on the amount of data transfer and bandwidth, as indicated. This service is for the exclusive use of the Client, and does not extend to any other person or entity. 123 Reseller expressly prohibits reselling on any non-reseller or dedicated server hosting plans, and will terminate any agreement which does not comply with this provision.

WARRANTY. 123 Reseller will utilize its best efforts to maintain acceptable performance of the contracted services, but makes absolutely no warranties, express or implied. Nor can 123 Reseller guarantee continuous service, service at any particular time, or integrity of data stored or transmitted via its system or via the Internet.

LIABILITY. 123 Reseller will not be liable for the inadvertent disclosure of, corruption or erasure of, data transmitted, received or stored on its system. 123 Reseller shall not be liable to the Client or any of its customers for any claims or damages which may be suffered by the Client or its customers, including but not limited to losses or damages of any and every nature, resulting from the loss of data, inability to access the Internet, ability to transmit or receive information, caused by or resulting from, delays, non deliveries or service interruptions, whether or not caused by the fault or negligence of 123 Reseller

INDEMNIFICATION. The Client agrees that it shall defend, indemnify, save and hold harmless from any and all demands, liabilities, losses, costs and claims, including reasonable attorneys fees against 123 Reseller, its agents, customers, servants, officers and employees that may arise or result from any services provided, performed, agreed to be performed or any product sold by the Client.

DURATION, TERMINATION AND INVOICING. This Agreement shall come into effect upon the date of this Agreement and, subject to the provisions of this Agreement shall continue in force for an initial term of 1 month from the date the Services are available to the Client and indefinitely after that until terminated by either party giving not less than 30 days prior written notice to expire on or after the expiry date of the initial term.

INVOICING AND SERVICE FEES. The Client shall be invoiced in advance. Payment is due upon inception (sign-up date). In the event the Client fails to pay in advance for the services provided herein or any delinquency exists in the Client's account 123 Reseller reserves the right to terminate this agreement and discontinue service to the Client without liability.

MODIFICATIONS. 123 Reseller reserves the right to make changes to any of the above terms and conditions of this Agreement upon thirty (30) days written notice to the Client, advising of the changes and the effective date thereof.

ENTIRE AGREEMENT AND SEVERABILITY. This instrument constitutes the entire agreement between the parties, and represents the complete and entire understanding of the parties with respect to the subject matter contained in this agreement. This instrument supersedes any other agreement or understanding between the parties, whether written or oral. In the event that any term or provision of this instrument is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be unenforceable, then the remaining provisions of this instrument shall remain in full force and effect.

RESTRICTIVE USE: The Client may only use 123 Reseller services for lawful purposes. In the event that at any given time, 123 Reseller believes the service is being used by the Client in contravention with any of the terms and provisions contained in this Agreement, 123 Reseller has the right to immediately discontinue such service to the Client without liability or compensation.

The following are restrictive uses and shall be cause for the immediate termination of web services and this Agreement without notice to the Client:
a) Unauthorized distribution or copying of copyrighted software (including audio MP3s), violation of Canadian or US export restrictions, harassment and fraud.
b) Trafficking in adult pornographic, fetish, obscene or deviant sexual material, escort or other adult online membership services, drug dealing and other illegal or prohibited activities.
This does not apply to subject material intended for mature audiences, such as art, literature, health, medical and scientific, or clothing and novelties.
For clarification, email
c) Unsolicited advertising email, using a non-existing email address on a commercial solicitation, spamming, trolling, mailbombing, subscribing someone else to a mailing list without that person’s permission or cross-posting articles to an excessive number of newsgroups.
d) Tortuous conduct such as posting of defamatory, libelous, scandalous or private information about a person without their consent, intentionally inflicting emotional distress, or violating trademarks, copyrights or other intellectual property rights.
e) Any other misuses of the system resources, such as employing posts or programs which consume excessive CPU time or storage space, permitting use of mail services, mail forwarding capabilities, POP accounts, or auto-responders other than for the Client’s accounts, or resale of access to CGI scripts installed on our servers.

PRIVACY POLICY . is strictly committed to protect its users' Privacy. That is why we have adopted this Privacy Policy, which shows our commitment to the protection of your privacy. We know that you care how information about you is used and shared, and we care for your expectation from us. This policy is a proof that we protect the confidentiality of our customers' information.

We gather information of our users through the registration and Quote form(s). This information includes Personal information like first name, last name, Company Name, Telephone #, Fax, mailing address, and email. We also collect certain financial information from you during the domain name registration process. This includes Credit Card information which is needed for placing the order with us and for sending invoice (if any).

The Personal information of the potential customer collected by 123ResellerHost.comis used for future correspondence with the customer.
The Financial information collected in the form of Credit Card information is used to charge for the requested service offered by We require the customer to provide information related to credit card number and billing address before we process that application.

We at 123ResellerHost.comare required by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers ("ICANN"), the organization which assumes responsibility for domain name allocation, to collect information about you during the domain name registration process. This information includes your full name, mailing address, phone number, email address.
How Secure Is My information?

We work to protect the security of your information during transmission by using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) software, which encrypts information you input. We reveal only the last five digits of your credit card numbers when confirming an order. Of course, we transmit the entire credit card number to the appropriate credit card company during order processing. You can further help to ensure your security by taking a few simple precautions. For instance, it is important for you to protect against unauthorized access to you're 123ResellerHost.comusername and password and to your computer. Be sure to sign off when finished using a shared computer.

From time to time, 123ResellerHost.commay use your personal information to contact you by email. The main aim of these communications will be intended to inform you of important information regarding your account. The communication may be targeted to let you know about any new service or any Special offer launched by

As a member of any of the services offered by 123ResellerHost.comyou have the ability to correct or change certain information in our records, such as your address and contact information and other related information. For doing this you must login to your personalized member area and there you will find tools to carry out updations (if any). You may change this information at any time and as often as necessary.

123ResellerHost.comreserves the right of changing it's Privacy Policy at any time without any prior notice. You are therefore suggested to keep checking the Policy after a gap of few days. We will not be responsible for any claims if you are unaware of any change in the Privacy Policy.

What does spamming mean?

Spamming means sending unsolicited and unauthorized e-mails to businesses and individuals who do not know you personally and have not agreed to receive your emails.

123ResellerHost.comis a company built on integrity. We restrict our users to strictly follow this policy. The sending of massive amounts of unsolicited e-mails of a commercial nature-whether they are to promote 123ResellerHost.comor any other company-does not help the growth of the Internet or our reputation.

We do not tolerate Spam. Spam is also called bulk e-mail, mass e-mail, and junk e-mail. It is a message that advertises a product or service that has been sent without the consent of the recipient, or at least without a pre-existing relationship between the sender and the recipient. We do not tolerate any type of Spam, whether it is in the form of postings on newsgroups on Usenet, posting on message boards where it is unwelcome because it is unrelated to the subject matter under discussion, or simple unsolicited e-mail announcements. We also consider it unacceptable if you Spam chat rooms, Internet Relay Chat.
In addition to prohibiting spamming, we prohibit spoofing, which is the using of a return e-mail address that is not the valid reply address of the sender. It is also the sending of an e-mail message that does not contain adequate information to allow the recipient to identify the party who is actually sending the message. We do not allow trolling, which is the posting of controversial messages in news groups to generate responses. We do not allow mail bombing, which is the inundating of a particular person with e-mail without any serious intent to correspond.

To assist us in making sure that you do not Spam, we have developed sophisticated software to warn us about any spamming associated with our program. The job of this software is to relentlessly pursue the identities of those who might tarnish our reputation and jeopardize our growing network of users.

An increasing number of states have passed anti-spamming legislation. We have agreed to work closely with the law to vigorously prosecute spammers to the full extent that the new laws allow. Our legal staff is prepared to participate in all investigations of spammers. If you are caught spamming, we have only one resource: to cancel your account with us. Also, when this occurs, you will automatically lose all of your earned commissions (If any). Our anti-spamming policy has ZERO TOLERANCE.

In case we found that any of our Client is involved in any kind of spamming or illegal acts then we have the right to charge his/her credit card without any prior notification. The charges will be $65/Hour.

123 Reseller reserves the right to report such illegal activities to any and all-regulatory, administrative and/or governmental authorities for appropriate prosecution.